Bereaved Pastor, Levi Lusko Opens Up About Navigating Father’s Day Without His Dad

Bereaved Pastor, Levi Lusko Opens Up About Navigating Father's Day Without His Dad

Bereaved Pastor, Levi Lusko Opens Up About Navigating Father’s Day Without His Dad

Following the recently concluded Father’s Day celebration, Fresh Life Church pastor Levi Lusko, who lost his father nearly three months ago, took to social media to express his grief about his recent loss and the challenges of navigating Father’s Day without his father, Chip Lusko.

In an emotional post, Lusko describes the pain of a lonely Father’s Day without his father’s presence, despite the love and support of his children. He described the day as particularly lonely, highlighting the enduring impact of his father’s absence.

“I really miss you dad,” the message began. “It has two and a half months since you went to heaven and it is really discouraging to think I have to wait the rest of my life to see you again. I am trying my best to be a good dad but I am honestly not ready to not have one. Father’s Day was really lonely without you. My kids were all so nice and thoughtful and gave so much love. How did you become such a good dad when you didn’t have one? Only God.”

Lusko’s message further sheds light on a missed opportunity – a planned conversation about fatherhood and a fishing trip that never materialized. Despite the grief, he finds solace in fulfilling these plans in his father’s honor.

Chip Lusko passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024, after a brief illness. The news comes after a year of updates from his son Levi, who shared Chip’s diagnosis, treatment, and what seemed like a full recovery.

In August 2023, Levi publicly attributed Chip’s improvement to a “miracle” and successful treatment. Tragically, Chip’s health took a sharp turn for the worse on Good Friday of this year.

Initially hospitalized for a seemingly minor issue, tests revealed a more serious condition. Despite the prayers and support of loved ones, Chip passed away peacefully, surrounded by family, over Easter weekend.


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