Bishop Michael Curry Discharged from Hospital After Surgery

The presiding episcopal church bishop Michael Curry has been discharged from the hospital following his “surgery and post-operative recovery.”

The bishop’s medical team released him on Friday after two weeks of hospitalization. A statement announcing his release, which was shared on the church’s social media, said Bishop Curry is currently at home, where he will receive rest and further necessary therapy.

“Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s medical team released him from the hospital today following Sept. 20 surgery and post-operative recovery,” the statement shared Friday on X previously known as Twitter read.  “He is now home, where he will continue to rest and receive physical and occupational therapy,” it added.

It was made known, however, that the 70-year-old Episcopal Bishop is anticipated to “resume domestic travel in November on a moderately reduced schedule.”

The Church also solicited continuous prayer for “bishop Curry, his family, and his medical team as he continues on the path of restoration and healing.”

Bishop Curry underwent surgery on September 20 to remove his right adrenal gland and an attached mass, which appears to be the source of recurring internal bleeding that required him to be hospitalized over the Memorial Day weekend.

The decision to proceed with the surgery was made by Curry’s medical team after weighing the prospective benefits and risks of the surgery.

An earlier statement by the church disclosed that Curry’s medical team had confirmed the mass removed after the “open surgery” was not cancerous.

“Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s medical team has confirmed that the mass removed on Sept. 20 was not cancerous,” an October statement shared on X read.

It was further explained that “because successfully removing the mass required open surgery instead of Laparoscopic,” the bishop’s “full recovery will be longer than originally hoped.”

The statement went on to note that Curry was in good spirits and had expressed his gratitude for all the “prayers and well wishes during his challenging time.”

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