Bishop T.D Jakes and Wife, Serita Mark 40th Wedding Anniversary

Bishop T.D Jakes and Wife, Serita Mark 40th Wedding Anniversary

Bishop T.D Jakes and Wife, Serita Mark 40th Wedding Anniversary

In a heartwarming celebration of love and commitment, Serita Jakes, the cherished wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes, ismarking a significant milestone in their journey together. With a touch of playful affection, Serita affectionately referred to Bishop T.D. Jakes as her “Boo,” capturing the essence of their enduring romance.

The accompanying caption exuded gratitude and joy as Serita expressed her appreciation for over 40 years of love, laughter, and the cherished moments they’ve shared. It was a testament to the strength of their bond, the resilience of their partnership, and the countless blessings they’ve experienced together throughout the years.

As they celebrate their 40th marriage anniversary, the photograph captured a moment of intimacy and connection between the couple.

For four decades, Serita and Bishop T.D. Jakes have walked hand in hand, supporting each other through triumphs and trials. The couple have built a legacy of love that inspires all who know them. Their relationship is a testament of the power of a lifelong partnership grounded in faith, love, and mutual respect.

Happy Anniversary to Papa and Mama Jakes.

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