Bishop T.D Jakes: Bruised Love 2

Bishop T.D. Jakes shares this sermon titled “Bruised Love 2,” where he continues with his teaching on love. He stated that God gives the ultimate example of “tough love.” We often confuse His chastening with punishment. But God is trying to teach us to “look up” and refocus on Him when we’re in trouble! Look up and let the enemy’s holds fall off of your family! Look up as your finances begin to overflow! Look up and receive miraculous healing! Look up and realize you’re saved because God let His Son become the embodiment of sin and give His life for you! The lower we feel, the harder we should focus on Him!

The text for the message is from the book of John 3:16. In his last message, Bishop Jakes discussed the power of love, the understanding of the heart, and how it is both strong and weak. He also discussed the spiritual part of guarding one’s heart and mind, despite the fact that they are weak and vulnerable and can be damaged.

Speaking on the love of God, Bishop Jakes tells us that the love of God is between two moments of intense chastening. one with Moses lifting up the snake, and the other with Christ being crucified on the cross. He added that it is also God acting in injustice because Christ, who knew no sin, became sin for us. Christ, who never committed adultery, became adulterous for us.
Christ, who was never a liar, became a liar for us.

Bishop Jakes went to tell us that if there is anyone who would get us, that would be God.

This is a message that you enjoy.

Watch and learn from this message by Bishop T.D Jakes “Bruised Love 2” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Bishop T.D Jakes YouTube

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