Bobbie Houston Reflects on Family, Faith, and Resilience

Bobbie Houston Reflects on Family, Faith, and Resilience

Bobbie Houston Reflects on Family, Faith, and Resilience

Bobbie Houston, wife of Brian Houston, recently shared a heartfelt post expressing her deep love and admiration for her family. Reflecting on their journey, she wrote, “I LOVE HOW MY FAMILY LOVES.”

Due to their calling, the Houston family has lived on two different continents, which often means missing out on special moments together, like Christmas, birthdays, or witnessing grandkids’ baptisms. Despite these challenges, Bobbie emphasized the importance of accepting and graciously embracing the things they cannot change.

Bobbie and Brian raised their family within the house of God, instilling in them a sense of vision, purpose, and a mantle of anointing. This environment encouraged their children and other young people to believe they were alive for a Kingdom purpose, living for something greater than themselves. They raised their children to “release them” but believed that if they were raised right, they would never truly leave. They may live in different cities or nations, but they remain close in heart and spirit.

Bobbie honored her children for their resilience and grace, especially during difficult times. She acknowledged the challenges they have faced but admired how they have remained sweet and untouched, exemplifying their true character.

Bobbie encouraged parents to adore and beckon their children onwards, reminding them that age does not disqualify them from being beloved children of God. She concluded with a beautiful image of her son Ben embracing his daughter Bailey Love, reflecting God’s loving embrace.

Quoting Psalm 127, she highlighted the blessing of children as a heritage from the Lord, emphasizing that their value and impact are profound and enduring.

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