Call Upon The Lord

Call upon the Lord

Call upon the Lord

Call upon the Lord: Many times in our lives, we do our best in everything, but we still fail. As children of God, we are not created to depend on our own strength.

There will be trials and tribulations, but the Lord has promised us victory. Fear kills faith, so we must do our best to hold on no matter what is going on.

The enemy is working hard to make us lose our faith in the Lord so that he can destroy us. As God is planning great things in life, so are the devils, who are also planning to steal our faith.

Fear is one of the tools that the enemy uses to bring bad things into our lives. In this journey of life, the forces of darkness and light are constantly fighting.

Our heavenly father has given us the power of free will so that we can make our own decisions. If we want the best in life, it is important for us to use our free will and choose God.

The Holy Father has promised us multiple times in the Bible that he’ll never leave us. Our Lord has done great things in the past, and he’s still doing the same presently.

Prayer is our weapon.

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Many of us don’t know how powerful prayer can be in our lives because, with it, we can control the world. The Lord has given us power and authority, but many of us are still afraid.

Praying to God can change our situations because we are handling everything to him. Prayer is our way of communicating with the Lord, and he listens to us.

We are not to pray only when things in our lives are not working because we are to pray always. When Jesus Christ was on earth, he prayed all the time that his disciples wanted to learn.

We must take our prayer life seriously because we are Christians in a bad world. In order for us to overcome the force of darkness in our lives, we must pray to the Lord.

You must pray with faith if you want to see results or answers. Some people are so full of doubts in their hearts that they don’t believe that God can answer their prayers.

Whenever we feel doubt in our soul or spirit while praying, let us cast it down in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord has not given us the spirit of fear but of sound mind and courage.

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”.

Involve God in everything.

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We often think that God is not interested in everything going on in our lives, and that’s false. Our Lord wants us to invite him into our lives with our free will, and he’ll take control.

When you are going to school or work, he wants to go with you. Anytime you are facing some difficulties at work, school, or in your personal life, just call upon him.

Psalm 50:15 “Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”.

Call the Lord into your life, and you’ll experience the greatest peace in life. Remember that trouble will always come, but with the Lord in your life, he’ll take control.

Cast all your burden upon your creators because he wants to give you rest. If your business is not going well, call on your heavenly father, and he’ll take over.

Let’s do our best to get close to God by surrendering our lives to him and accepting Jesus Christ as our savior.



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