Candidates for Episcopal Bishop of Albany Diocese to Allow Gay Marriage if Elected

The four candidates for Episcopal bishop of Albany diocese who were initially against blessing same-sex marriage have demonstrated that they will allow gay marriage if elected.

Following the 2021 resignation of William Love as the Episcopal Diocese of Albany Bishop after he refuses to enforce the denominational rule to allow gay marriage blessings, the four candidates looking to replace him in September 9 election have all indicated that they will allow gay marriage as instituted by the denomination, reports Episcopal News Services

The four candidates are Rev. Jeremiah Williamson of the Diocese of Colorado, Rev. Geoffrey Ward of the Diocese of Milwaukee, Rev. Neal Longe, and Rev. Scott Garno, both from the Diocese of Albany.

Williamson divulged having blessed two same-sex marriages. He however said  in his responses to the diocese’s questions, “Ultimately, I would like to see the diocese create more room, make more space for a diversity of opinions.”

Ward who described his theology as “authentically Anglican” and himself as “unapologetically Episcopal said, “Honoring theological diversity would be a priority.”

“Seeking resolution and a mutual path forward would involve a basic commitment to respecting the dignity of every person, affording generous pastoral attention to every voice, and seeking holy common ground on canonically sound footing,” he added.

The Rev. Neal Longe said in his essay responses, “As bishop, I would authorize the use of the new liturgical rites as approved by the General Convention.”  “This authorization would be made without need for waiver, special permission, or the need for outside supplemental episcopal oversight,” he added.

Garno wrote that while he believes “God intends marriage to be the life-long covenantal relationship between one man and one woman,” he will still adhere to the denomination’s rules of blessing same-sex marriage.

He further said that it is “only through listening to each other, trusting each other, loving each other as siblings in Christ, and, first and foremost, through the power of the Holy Spirit that we will find a lasting peace

Candidates nominated for the bishop of Albany. From left, the Rev. Geoffrey Ward, the Rev. Jeremiah Williamson, the Rev. Neal Longe, and the Rev. Scott Garno. Photos: Diocese of Albany
Candidates nominated for the bishop of Albany. From left, the Rev. Geoffrey Ward, the Rev. Jeremiah Williamson, the Rev. Neal Longe, and the Rev. Scott Garno. Photos: Diocese of Albany
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