Creflo Dollar: Jesus The Peacemaker

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Creflo Dollar titled “Jesus, The Peacemaker.” The text for the message is from the book Luck 2 vs. 8–14.

Jesus was responsible for bringing peace between mankind and God. It does not matter what color your skin is. He said that the only way we can get close to God is through Jesus Christ. God was at war with man’s sin when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. Sin is just enmity toward God. When Jesus appeared as the peace offering, God promised to give men good will. We must understand that God’s wrath and judgment against people existed in the Old Testament because there was no peace between God and mankind.

Jesus ended the war between God and man because of sin; he made all the difference; he became the game changer. He tells us that we should not allow our lives to be subject to people who don’t know God, because when they don’t know God, they open their mouth and say something they don’t understand. He said that some people don’t believe in Jesus Christ because they think that he came for a particular race, but Jesus is the only one who can help us.

Jesus is the peacemaker; he ended the war between God and man, so the gospel is the good news that God isn’t angry with us but that he loves us and wants to extend all his blessings towards us. Jesus paid the price to redeem us and bring us back to God.

Some people still believe that God is angry with us, but that’s not the reason why we are in bad situations. Jesus is the peace offering, and that’s why we are to be at peace with God.

Watch and learn from this message by Pastor Creflo Dollar “Jesus The Peacemaker” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Creflo Dollar Ministries

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