Creflo Dollar: The Worthy Walk – Sunday Service

We bring you today’s message from Pastor Creflo Dollar, which is titled “The Worthy Walk: Sunday Service.” The text for the message is from Ephesians 4:1. “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you, exhort you, and encourage you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.”

Pastor Dollar teaches us in this message about the worthy walk; we have to understand and know what it really means. the plan and the Mystery that came from God for his enjoyment, glory to God. Pastor Dollar says, “For many years I assumed that I knew the calling that I have been called to, and I limited it to, well, I was called to Pastor, you might limit it to where I was called to sing or to show compassion, but I can no longer do that because Paul said I therefore, in this appeal, he says walk worthy of what you’ve been called. So the word appeal means to persuade you to do something. In verse 1, he’s trying to persuade us to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called. He’s trying to persuade us to do that, so he’s making an appeal for us to do that, and then later on, you’ll see an appeal to put away bitterness, an appeal to lie, not one to another.

So the appeal is for an Earthly life in full harmony with the exalted position to which the believer has been called. There’s something about understanding what you’ve been called to that, in a sense, justifies the appeal. In other words, I’m appealing to you to do something, but it doesn’t work well until you know the call and the background behind it. revelation of the position that you and we are all in, whether you know it or not. the Eternal Destiny of all of us who believe, so we’re going to satisfy where you are today, and we’re also going to satisfy the Eternal Destiny. The appeal to walk worthy of the call is not to live so as to gain the High calling, so he’s not asking you to walk worthy of the thing that you’ve been called, so by walking worthy, you will gain the call.


This is a message that you will love

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Creflo Dollar: The Worthy Walk – Sunday Service” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Creflo Dollar Ministries

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