Dr. David Jeremiah: The Prophecy

Dr. David Jeremiah shares this sermon titled “The Prophecy” which is taken from the book of Matthew 24:1-3. He made us to understand that at the beginning of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus prophesies to his disciples about the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and prepares them for the future. Although Jesus didn’t answer all of the disciples’ questions they knew they could trust Him with the future, and we can as well. He said that Jesus was always about the future as He kept talking about it.

The senior Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church said that Jesus wants you to know about the future and He always was preparing His disciples about the future. In Matthew 24 and in Mark, He says ‘see, I  have told you what’s going to happen so you would know’.

David Jeremiah said that unless we have a firm grasp of what the Bible teaches us about the future, we cannot properly handle the strains of everyday life.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Dr. David Jeremiah “The Prophecy” and remember that we bring the latest messages from pastors around the United States of America to you.

Video Credit: David Jeremiah Ministries YouTube

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