Dr. Dharius Daniels: What I Need From You Is Understanding

This is Thrive With Dr. Dharius Daniels, and a message titled “What I Need From You Is Understanding” is in Manology Part. 3. The text for the message is from Judges 3:31. “Ehud came to Shamgar, the son of Anathe, who struck down 600 Philistines with an ox and gold; he too saved Israel; he too saved Israel; he too saved Israel.”

Pastor Dharius teaches us about what God needs from us; understanding is really important. In a quote that’s credited to the late and great Dr. Miles Monroe, he says, “Wherever purpose is misunderstood, abuse is inevitable.” He is in essence arguing that we will eventually and inevitably misuse what we misunderstand, and the enemy is aware of this reality, which is why he attempts to instigate and orchestrate misunderstanding. To describe the work of the adversary in the Old Testament, a Leviathan image is used, and this Leviathan is a metaphor for a twisting spirit; it is the enemy’s involvement in influencing us to misunderstand what has been communicated. It’s Leviathan; it’s the twisting spirit because the enemy operates in the arena of misunderstanding. As a matter of fact, the Apostle Paul clearly communicated to his audience in one of his Epistles that God is not the author of confusion. If God is not the author of confusion, then that means the enemy is the author of confusion. He wants confusion in your home, he wants confusion in your church, he wants confusion in your mind, and he wants confusion in your money because he realizes that wherever there is ignorance, there is vulnerability. He operates in the arena of misunderstanding. He attempts to instigate and orchestrate misunderstandings, and when he cannot stop you from believing in God, he twists your understanding of the gods you believe in. Because he knows when you don’t understand yourself, you will subject yourself to unnecessary abuse because where value is absent, settling will be present. Whenever you see a person who settles, you’re seeing a person who has not gotten a revelation of who they are. The devil wants you blind to who is on the inside of you. We have to come to a point where we don’t allow the devil to confuse us into thinking and believing lies concerning God and ourselves. We can only do that by understanding God and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us.


Watch and learn from this message delivered during “Thrive With Dr. Dharius Daniels” “What I Need From You Is Understanding ” as we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Dharius Daniels YouTube


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