For Every End Comes A Beginning

For Every End Comes a Beginning

For every end comes a beginning.

For Every End Comes a Beginning: Life is unpredictable, and it can turn out good or bad. There are certain things that we don’t have control over, like the future, life, and death.

One thing we must understand is that the best way to predict the future is to create it. Every action that we take today can either affect us positively or negatively.

The word of God is given to us by him to guide us through life and to understand it. Our heavenly father didn’t give us the commandment because he wanted to enslave us.

His commandments and rules are there for our betterment, but some people doubt that. The word of God has an answer to everything that we are going through and things to come.

While the future and life are unpredictable, one thing is certain: God is always in control. We are never too young to improve ourselves and get closer to our heavenly father.

The Bible tells us that we are not to behave like the world because it will lead to destruction. People who have lived by obeying God have no regrets when they are older.

It pays to serve the Lord. We may not be the richest, but we are definitely the happiest.

Bad things will always happen.

For Every End Comes a Beginning pt2

Note: This part of the article is not to make you live in fear or increase your anxiety.

Is it a pure lie to believe that bad things will never happen to us as Christians? Most people give up on God when they face challenges in life, but that’s a mistake.

Jesus Christ told us in the Bible that there will be trials and tribulations in life, but we should not fear. The reason he told us not to fear is because he knows that he’s more powerful than anything.

Everyone Is Not Okay 

There is no one on this face on earth that is not facing a challenges or more. Certain challenges are allowed by God in our lives in other for us to grow and become better.

  • There are Christians that has lost their loved ones while hoping on God for a miracle.
  • There are people that have died in accidents and they are serving God faithfully.
  • Some Christians are facing serious financial challenges 
  • Others are not making progress in their businesses
  • Some christian parents are unhappy with the way their kids turned out.
  • Youth Christians all over the world are facing some issues at their work place and personal life.

One thing we know for sure is that our father is still in control. Our problems are not to last forever if we believe in the Lord and learn from our problems.

There is always something for us to learn from in everything that we face in life . Our heavenly father knows our potential more than we know ourselves.

He knows what we are capable of but some of us are still doubting ourselves. One things that everyone that survived from a tough challenges in life is that they are stronger and have more courage.

When something we love in life comes to an end or taken from us is time to wait for the new beginning. Things that can hurt us

  • losing our loved ones, job
  • Getting rejected
  • Got divorced
  • Have bad grades in school
  • Business not making profit and progress
  • Got cheated on by their spouse

Being close to God is best solution that we can ever live in life. Our heavenly father told us that he will restore everything that we lost if we love him with all our heart.




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