Fresh Life Church Mourns Faithful Member Stew Adams

Fresh Life Church Mourns Devoted Member Stew Adams

Fresh Life Church Mourns Faithful Member Stew Adams

Fresh Life Church, led by pastor Levi Lusko, mourns Stew Adams, a long-time “faithful and stabilizing” member of the church who passed away recently.

Stew, along with his wife Debbie, according to a social media post shared by Lusko, first walked through the doors of Fresh Life, then known as “the pirate church” by some, with a touch of apprehension. Their daughter’s newfound faith prompted their visit, but it was Stew and Debbie who found their spiritual home.

Stew’s dedication went far beyond simply attending services. He actively participated in setting up and taking down the church’s portable campus, tirelessly working alongside younger volunteers. Even after Parkinson’s slowed him down, Stew’s spirit remained strong. He transitioned to welcoming newcomers, offering words of encouragement and Bibles to those embarking on their faith journey. His trademark greeting, complete with “bicep curls” using his walker, demonstrated his unwavering strength despite his physical limitations.

Described as having “piercing blue eyes…shining and bright,” Stew embodied the essence of faith. His love for God’s word and dedication to prayer were evident to all who met him. Lusko acknowledges the countless others like Stew, “faith-filled people who believe in the vision, serve with all their hearts, give generously, and keep showing up…no matter what.” Their unwavering commitment is the backbone that allows Fresh Life’s ministry to reach a global audience.

While the Fresh Life community grieves the loss of their dear friend, they celebrate the life he led and the impact he made. Their prayers go out to Stew’s family, and they express pride in the way he “ran his race with joy.”

“I grieve to see him no more until that day, am praying for his loving family, and am so proud of my brother on the way he ran his race with joy,” Lusko wrote.


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