God Wants Us To Excel

God Wants Us To Excel

God Wants Us To Excel

God Wants Us To Excel: When things are not working out in our lives, we often think that God hates us. Facing life challenges does not mean that God hates us or does not care.

Sometimes God allows certain situations to happen in our lives because he wants us to grow. When we overcome any challenges in life by trusting God, that makes our faith grow.

God cares about us, he wants us to excel in life and to be happy. We have to be careful not to lose our faith in God when facing challenges in life.

The Bible emphasizes the need to do everything with excellence. We must pay close attention to detail.

According to Ecclesiastes 9:10, “whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”

In Colossians 3:23, we are told, “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men.”

According to John W. Gardner, some people are born into greatness. Very few people are born into a life of excellence. They succeed in it. They do not unintentionally accomplish it by doing what comes easily to them, nor do they happen upon it while they are amusing themselves. All greatness requires self-control and unwavering determination.

If we wish to excel in life, we must obey the commandment of God to do everything He gives us with all of our heart and might. That goes for our profession, our marriages, raising our children—every areas of our lives.

Conclusion: God wants the best for us in life, and we have to do our own part by being excellent in anything we do.


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