God Will Bring Men For Your Favour

God Will Bring Men For Your Favour

God Will Bring Men For Your Favour 

God Will Bring Men For Your Favour: In life not everyday is will be sweet or fun.

There will be days when challenging will overwhelm us and make us question about life.

Jesus Christ promised us that there will be trials and tribulations in life but let us not fear.

No matter what we are going to face in life let our hope be in God.

Our victory is sure but is left for us to believe it or not. Our believe will determine what kind of outcome we are going to have.

Is easy for us to doubt God and hope for the worse in life but that’s bad.

Having positive outlook in life is the best thing we can do in order to see what the Lord has planned for us.

Job in the bible lost everything but he didn’t give up on God. His circumstances were so bad that people around him encourage him to insult God.

The plan of the devils is for us to insult God and most of us do it by doubting his power.

He loves us and most of us doesn’t feel it because our life have been full of challenges.

Is so important for us to know that certain challenges are allowed by God so that we can grow and get better in life.

People Will Favour Us

Most of us have in situations where people have disappointed us but it time for a change.

Is so wrong if we go through life with the idea that people cannot be trusted.

The truth is that some people are untrustworthy and they have done bad things to others.

It doesn’t matter if they like you or not but God will make them to favour you.

At work there may be people that won’t love you but they can’t stop your promotion.

When is time for good things to happen to you nothing can stop it.

It may look challenging but don’t give up and get negative.

Esther was placed in the right position so that she can help her people from being killed.

At the right time God will step in and show up for us in the most challenging time.

If we are not happy let us know that  is not yet the end so let us hope for the best things in life.

Hope For The Best

For us to get the best experience in life is all based on being hope.

Joyce Meyer told us that hope is “having positive expectations that something good will happen in our lives”

If we wake up and nothing good happens is time to double up the hope.

Everyday  will not be great but is up to see to have the best expectations in life.

The love that God has for us is great but devil sows seed of doubt in us.

Having the right attitude doesn’t mean that we ignore our problems.

It means that we are aware of our problems but we know that God is in control.

The people of Israel stayed in the wilderness for 40 years because of their doubts.

Let us do our best and have positive attitude in life with the right hope in the Lord.

It won’t be easy but God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us through life.


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