How Is Your Environment Affecting You?

How is your environment affecting you

How Is Your Environment Affecting You?

How Is Your Environment Affecting You? Most of us don’t really know how our environment can affect us. Our mentality and our behavior can be the result of the kind of people we have around us.

As kids, we can get to choose the environment that we want to grow from. Schools, religions, and streets have shaped so many people, whether good or not.

There are so many reasons why parents do their best to raise their kids in the best neighborhood. Parents that can’t afford the nice street for their kids do their best to protect them from bad influence.

Children are really good at learning quickly, whether good or bad things, so let’s be careful. As adults or teenagers, it is so important that we start to unlearn all the bad things we learned.

The problem that most of us have is that we don’t spend enough time to improve. We have to be honest with ourselves and identify areas of our lives where we need improvement.

What qualities do you hate, and which one do you want in your life so that you can grow? To grow will not be always the time, but we can do it with determination.

Growth will always be uncomfortable because it won’t be easy to unlearn all the things we know before. It’s up to us to do our best to grow because that will benefit us.

Seed, when planted in the oil, stays in the dark, but at the moment of growth it faces the sun and winds.

Challenges are allowed in our lives by God so that we can grow and get better. Most of us are afraid of challenges, but God does not want us to be because he wants the best for us.

Parents Are Part Of The Environment 

How is your environment affecting you

The type of parents that we have can actually attribute to the kind of future that we have. None of us have the privilege to pick the kind of parents that we want.

Our parents are given to us by God, and some of them are good while others are bad. Having bad parents can be challenging because they have internal problems that they haven’t fixed.

Kids with bad parents have so many things that they need to unlearn. They have to learn how to love themselves so that they can see how beautiful the world is.

We don’t know the reason why some kids have bad parents and are up to God. People think that having poor parents means that they are bad, but that’s not true.

There are rich parents that are not as good as the poor ones, and they don’t care about their best. It doesn’t matter what kind of parents we have; it’s up to us to be better.

Our aspiration should be to be better than our parents in all areas. It won’t be easy to be the best version of ourselves, but with determination, we can be better.

Reminder: This article is not for us to use it to blame our parents but to understand that we can do better. 

Being a parent is not easy, so let us learn to appreciate our parents and understand that they are not perfect.

All the bad things they may have caused us, direct or indirect, is time to heal. If your parents are abusive or not caring, just up to us to care for ourselves.

Are you still living under their roof (as a teenager), doing your best at school, or that you can get rich and change the environment?

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