How to Trust God’s Preparation

Sarah Jakes Roberts and April Daniels share this message titled “How to Trust God’s Preparation” where they teach that God’s preparation for us to live fully in the plan He has just might include a bit of anger. April Daniels shares how a pivotal moment in her life helped her trust God after the sudden passing of her husband.

April Daniels said that everything they prayed came to pass and then when they got there she was publicly humiliated. She was devastated and she was like God told us to come out here … she was like she felt like God threw her on the front line with no type of armor and she just took bullets and she was so angry. April while narrating this incident that happened in her life said she was heated up and it took her probably over a year to really get out of it.

She said that whole year she was just angry and was like “I’m not praying, I am not even talking to you (God), I’m not going to church”

Watch and learn from this message by Sarah Jakes Roberts and April Daniels “How to Trust God’s Preparation” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Sarah Jakes Roberts YouTube

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