Hundreds Sign Up To Help Hurricane Idalia Victims

Hundreds of volunteers sign up to help Hurricane Idalia victims

Hundreds Sign Up To Help Hurricane Idalia Victims

Hundreds Sign Up To Help Hurricane Idalia Victims: Hundreds of Samaritan’s Purse volunteers have signed up to assist Hurricane Idalia victims as people of Florida continue to assess the storm’s damage.

Hurricane Idalia made landfall on the Gulf Coast of Florida on Wednesday as a Category 3 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 125 miles per hour. A Category 3 hurricane is defined by the Saffir-Simpson Scale as having maximum sustained winds ranging from 111 to 129 miles per hour, and such winds can cause “devastating damage.”

As it has in past natural disasters, the Christian humanitarian aid organization has deployed to the areas hardest hit by the storm. Currently, Samaritan’s Purse teams are on the ground in Taylor and Pasco Counties.

“God always brings us people because we’ll stay there sometimes for years doing rebuilds afterward, and we use volunteers for that,” said Edward Graham, chief operations officer for Samaritan’s Purse, in an interview with The Christian Post. “God’s given us what we need to be able to respond.”

Graham estimates that 40 volunteers are already on the ground in Perry, Florida, one of the areas hardest hit by the storm. “We have hundreds that have already signed up on our website and will continue to, but we always ask for more volunteers because we will be there for a while, for the next several weeks and months cleaning up.”

Samaritan’s Purse volunteers will help residents in Florida’s largely rural Big Bend region by repairing the flood and wind damage to homes caused by the storm. “So we have a lot of debris to remove and a lot of mud outs, a lot of mucking of homes, cutting out the drywall, drying them out for these homeowners,” Graham added.

Graham’s father, the Rev. Franklin Graham, detailed the “mud out” process in a previous interview with The Christian Post conducted in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian last year: “You have to take the sheetrock off the wall so that air can get through the studs and then electrical wiring is going to have to be replaced, especially those sockets that got soaked in saltwater, those wires are going to have to be pulled out.”

As the younger Graham explained in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia, homes sustained damage from “high water coming in and then taking a while to recede after the storm surge that comes in. The saltwater makes it even more difficult to deal with,” he added, describing the “mud out” process as “hard work” and “dirty work” made even more daunting by the “hot and humid” weather.

“Our volunteers will be in Tyvek suits and a mask to help protect them from the mold. So that’s just very hard, gruesome work that we do to love our neighbors,” he said.

Samaritan’s Purse is assessing damage in Georgia and South Carolina following Hurricane Idalia, with a focus on Florida. The organization works to help people repair their homes and partners with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to send rapid response chaplains to share hope with hurricane victims.

Samaritan’s Purse volunteers stay at local churches to help families return to normalcy and collect food for those in need. The organization’s mission is to love people in the midst of the storm.

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