Idaho Newspaper Condemns Sean Feucht Event As ‘Dangerous Christian Nationalism’

An Idaho newspaper has condemned Christian worship artist and activist Sean Feucht’s outdoor worship gatherings, alleging that they are organized by “dangerous activists” who symbolize “dangerous Christian nationalism.”

In advance of a “Kingdom to the Capitol” event held outside of the Idaho state Capitol in Boise, the editorial board of the Idaho Statesman published a column last Saturday denouncing Feucht and his ideas.

“Feucht and his group are playing on the same, tired, worn-out, BS, far-right ‘fears’ that evildoers on the Left are coming for your children, through the schools, through the libraries, at Pride festivals and drag shows,” wrote the editors.

“It’s no accident the rallies are being held at state Capitol buildings, as these charlatans increasingly want to inject their brand of religion into politics.”

The editorial quoted from an open letter signed by a diverse coalition of faith leaders and addressed to lawmakers in Idaho, Oregon and Washington state, calling on them to reject Feucht and Turning Point USA, a conservative organization Feucht works that’s helmed by social commentator and radio host Charlie Kirk.

“Feucht has spent the past year capitalizing on anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments by railing against Pride Month, even embracing the exclusionary label of ‘Christian nationalist,’ and declaring that people with his narrow view of Christian theology should make all laws in the United States,” stated the interfaith group’s letter.

“For political figures like Feucht and his Turning Point USA partners, our towns are just a stage, a place where they can stoke conflict and promote their latest hateful claims using our capitol grounds as a backdrop. To them, this is a way of building power by exploiting bigotry.”

In response to the Statesman editorial, Matt Brown of ThinkE ministries tweeted on Wednesday that it reminded him of the criticism that the early Church received in the New Testament.

“Reminds me when people said ‘These men who have turned the world upside down have now come here,’” said Brown, referencing Acts 17:6.

“The reality is, God has called believers to make a difference and be the salt of the earth — to help better people’s lives, and protect the innocent.”

Brown added, “I guess preaching the Gospel, praying and worshipping is dangerous to some. It’s dangerous to the gates of Hell.”

Alex Murashko of Media on Mission and former editor and contributor with The Christian Post, also critiqued the Statesman editorial, saying that it “was not filled with the ‘dangerous activists’ like some would have you believe.”

“It was a peaceful event where lives and souls were healed and transformed,” wrote Murashko, noting that “there were a small group of Satanists at the event, but their point was mostly muted.”

Murashko included a tweet from Feucht who sarcastically replied to the Statesman editors by noting that his event was “so so so dangerous. Like unbelievably dangerous.”

“Thanks for the heads up!” continued the polarizing worship leader, in response to the editors. “We’ll make sure to inform the 12,000 attendees this weekend of how dangerous this all was.”

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