Israel-Hamas War: Things To Know As Conflict Reaches Day 5

Israel-Hamas War: Things To Know As Conflict Reaches Day 5: The conflict between Hamas and Israel has been escalating for the past

Israel-Hamas War: Things To Know As Conflict Reaches Day 5

Israel-Hamas War: Things To Know As Conflict Reaches Day 5: The conflict between Hamas and Israel has been escalating for the past five days, with no signs of immediate resolution. Both sides have been exchanging heavy fire, resulting in numerous casualties and widespread destruction. The international community is calling for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and to initiate peaceful negotiations between the two parties.

Here’s what you need to know as the Hamas-Israel fight continues for a fifth day.

1. Death toll: Israel has reported 1,200 deaths while the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that at least 1,055 people have been killed.

2. US aid arrives: The IDF reported that the first US armament plane arrived at Nevatim air base in southern Israel.

3. Israel struck inside Lebanese territory: The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) responded to anti-tank missiles launched at a military post near the Lebanese border, following the killing of three members by Lebanese group Hezbollah. The IDF responded with artillery fire, a sign of growing tensions along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.

4. Gaza hospitals overwhelmed: Hospitals are overwhelmed and experiencing shortages of drugs, medical supplies and electricity. The Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warns of a humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian enclave due to shortages of drugs, medical supplies, electricity, water, electricity, and fuel, with some hospitals having only four days of fuel.

5. Electricity will stop in Gaza: The Gaza’s Hamas-controlled government has warned that electricity supply will cease within hours, limiting basic services, as fuel supplies through the Rafah gate are prevented.

6. Israel has called up 300,000 reservists to fight:  Israel has called up 300,000 reservists to fight in response to escalating tensions in the region. The decision to mobilize such a large number of reservists reflects the seriousness of the situation and Israel’s commitment to ensuring its security and protecting its citizens.

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