Pastor Jentezen Franklin: The Power of The Gift

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Jentezen Franklin titled The Power of The Gift”

The Holy Spirit is a gift and he’s available to us.  Under the old covenant it was men giving gifts to God but in the new testament something shocking and surprising happened instead of men giving gift to God, God gave the most wonderful gift that is Jesus Christ . It’s God in the new testament that gives us the gifts not us that gives him the gift.

In the old testament before you have time with God you have to give gift, but God changed everything in the new testament because he wants us to be closer to him.

The whole gospel is not all about what you give God he will load us down if we will just honor him and love him, we take for granted the most ultimate gift his name is Jesus and it’s not common it’s a spectacular and unimaginable gift that we have been given.

If we human can give good gift to our children how much more will our father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him, the real purpose for Christmas was not just a baby born in Bethlehem which is good but the real message of Christmas is he’s not Emmanuel until we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and he lives with us continually, he have spoken to us countless time and watched over us, the Holy Spirit loves us he won’t leave us alone, he’s not like Santa Claus that comes once in a year, he’s with us everyday, he loves and comforts us and we can’t make it in life without the gift of the Holy Spirit.

We should be thankful about the Holy Spirit, and that is the best gift God have given to us because he loves us.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Jentezen Franklin: The Power of The Gift” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Free Chapel YouTube



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