Joel Osteen Daily Devotional June 7 2022 – True Humility

Theme For Joel Osteen Daily Devotional June 7 2022 – True Humility

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional June 7 2022
Joel Osteen

Today’s Scripture

Proverbs 22:4, NLT
True humility and fear of the LORD lead to riches, honor, and long life.

Today’s Word

When you walk in humility, you reverence God, you ask Him for guidance, you trust Him with your dreams, you honor Him by putting Him first in all your ways. That means to make pleasing Him the aim of your life, to always hunger and thirst after righteousness, to treat people with respect, to be a person of integrity, and to strive to do the right thing when no one is watching. When you do that, God promises you honor, wealth, and long life.

One way you reverence God is by bringing the tithe, the first ten percent of your income to the house of the Lord. When you do that, it says that “God will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings that you cannot contain.” Make sure you’re doing your part; make sure you’re keeping God first place, and He promises a blessing on your life that causes you to prosper. His favor will cause you to increase, to rise higher, and to accomplish things beyond your own ability.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the blessings that always follow when I walk in humility and put You first in all my ways. Show me if there is anything that is holding me back from the honor and wealth and long life You have promised. I believe that Your favor will be poured out on my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Credit For Joel Osteen Daily Devotional June 7 2022 – Joel Osteen Ministries
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