Joel Osteen Devotional 10 March 2020 – You’re All Set Up

Joel Osteen Devotional 10 March 2020

Theme For Joel Osteen Devotional 10 March 2020 – You’re All Set Up


“He will take you upstairs to a large room that is already set up. That is where you should prepare our meal.”
Luke 22:12, NLT


In Luke 22, Jesus told Peter and John to go into Jerusalem and make arrangements for what is now known as the Last Supper. He gave them the exact details—the right person to meet, the right time, the right house—and everything fell precisely into place. They didn’t have to persuade the owner of the house to help. No, he was expecting them. The room was “already set up.”

When God laid out the plan for your life, He set up everything you need to fulfill your destiny—every good break, every person, every solution. Before you had that problem you think will never turn around, He had already set up the answer. You don’t have to try to manipulate people or convince someone to be good to you. The desires that God put in your heart may seem far out, but if you’ll stay in faith and keep honoring God, you’re going to come into what God has already set up.


“Father, thank You for the blessings You’ve already set up. Thank You for the favor, the promotion, the healing, and the good breaks that You’ve already ordained to come across my path. I believe that You are directing my steps and orchestrating everything around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Credit For Joel Osteen Devotional 10 March 2020 – Joel Osteen Ministry

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