Joel Osteen Devotional 11 March 2020

Joel Osteen Devotional 11 March 2020

Theme For Joel Osteen Devotional 11 March 2020 – You Have to Want It


“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
Mark 10:52, NIV


A blind beggar named Bartimaeus heard all the commotion of a great crowd following Jesus and began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” The people around him told him to be quiet, but the more they rebuked him and told him to be quiet, the louder he shouted. All of a sudden, Jesus stopped, commanded him to be called, and healed him.

How badly do you want the dreams God put in your heart and the promises He’s spoken to you? Badly enough to outlast people who are trying to talk you out of it, badly enough to overlook some insults, badly enough to do the right thing when the wrong thing is happening? Do you want it badly enough to keep pursuing it when all the circumstances say it’s not going to happen? There should be something you are believing for about which you are relentless. You aren’t moved by how impossible it looks.


“Father, thank You for the dreams You put in my heart and for the promises You’ve spoken. If I have to believe my whole life for their fulfillment, I’m going keep believing. I’m not going to settle for less than. I’m going to keep pursuing what You put in my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Credit For Joel Osteen Devotional 11 March 2020 – Joel Osteen Devo

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