Joel Osteen Devotional June 18 2021 – The Miracle in Your Mouth

Theme For Joel Osteen Devotional June 18 2021 – The Miracle in Your Mouth

Today’s Scripture

Hebrews 10:23, NKJV
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Today’s Word

There will be times when you’re saying the right things, speaking words of faith, but nothing is changing. Today’s Scripture implies something is trying to take it away. It’s like a tug of war. The enemy is on the other side trying to pull away what God put in your heart. You may have had that sickness for a long time–hold fast your confession. Don’t get talked out of it. Keep speaking healing, keep declaring, “I am healthy. I am whole.” If you’re in debt, keep talking about abundance. If you have an addiction, keep talking about freedom.

The miracle is in your mouth. There is healing, there is freedom, and there are new levels in your mouth. Let me help you get started with this declaration: “I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am forgiven. I am healthy. I am free. I have the favor of God. Problems are turning around. New doors are opening. I will become all God created me to be.”

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that when the enemy is trying to pull away what You have put in my heart, I can hold fast my confession. Thank You that there is a miracle in my mouth. By faith I declare that because I have Your favor, I am blessed, forgiven, and free. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Credit For Joel Osteen Devotional June 18 2021 – Joel Osteen Ministries /
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