Joel Osteen Devotional March 14 2021 – Rewarded Greatly

Theme For Joel Osteen Devotional March 14 2021 – Rewarded Greatly

Today’s Scripture

Hebrews 10:35, NIV
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.

Today’s Word

In Hebrews 10, the writer notes that the people had endured a severe time of suffering and persecution. Some had lost their homes, and some had been imprisoned. He encourages them that the time will come when they will be richly rewarded. He says in essence, God is a just God. He will repay the compensation owed us. He will settle the cases of His people. God knows what you’re owed. You’re not going to live in a deficit mode. You may go through seasons when you’re out of balance you have a disappointment, a loss, someone does you wrong but God is going to settle your case. He’s seen every tear you’ve shed, every injustice, and every dark place. You’re not going to end up lonely, disappointed, or at a disadvantage. That’s all temporary. The Creator of the universe is adding up all the deficits and saying, I’m about to balance your books. Compensation is coming, promotion is coming, vindication is coming, healing is coming, blessing is coming.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You have seen every tear I’ve shed and every dark place in my life. I may be unbalanced right now, but thank You for Your promise to balance my books. I believe that You already have a way to settle my case, and payback is coming. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Credit For Joel Osteen Devotional March 14 2021 – Joel Osteen Ministries /
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