Joel Osteen: Praying For Others

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Joel Osteen titled “Praying for Others.”

Pastor Joel teaches us in this message about praying for others and why it’s really important that we remember to involve other people during our prayers. It’s good to pray for ourselves and our dreams and ask God for wisdom, but we should not stop there; we have the ability to help someone else reach their destiny. There are people that God has put in our lives who will not become who God created them to be when we pray for them. Some people don’t have the faith to achieve their dreams, break their addiction, and overcome the challenge without us stepping up and praying for them and asking God on their behalf. Every day we have to make time to pray for others. We have to look around and know who needs help. We don’t have to go and meet them; we can pray for them in our private time. When we hear that someone is struggling, maybe with sickness or something big, we have to pray for them to help them out.

Sometimes God brings those people across our path not by accident but for us to pray about it. We might feel that our own problems are so great that we don’t have time to pray for other people. When we pray for others, we are sowing seeds for God to help us. We have to turn our focus from ourselves and our problems and pray for other people so that things in our lives will be restored. When we give our time and pray for other people, what we are struggling with will turn around. We are to bear one another’s burden. We are not to bear it alone; we need each other. Life can be heavy. People are lonely, disappointed, and dealing with sickness. We are to love one another and pray for them when they are in trouble.


Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen: Praying For Others” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Joel Osteen YouTube

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