Joel Osteen Sermon: Underestimated

Joel Osteen shares this sermon titled “Underestimated” where he asked you not to be discouraged when people underestimate you. He said God is going to defy the odds so that everyone sees His favor on your life.

He said that David understood this principle of “I’m underestimated” and that’s okay because he didn’t allow it hurt his feelings. You are not offended, they can’t see what’s in you … the odds may be against you but just know that God uses underestimated people. This is setting you up for a new level of your destiny.

We all face times when what we’re up against is too big for us, the dream is too great, the problem too strong, the opposition too powerful. People rule us out and think it’s never going to happen. You don’t have the resources, you don’t come from the right family, the medical report is not good. All the facts say it’s impossible but God on purpose will have you underestimated. When it seems the least likely that’s when He shows up the greatest.

Don’t get discouraged when you’re underestimated because it’s a setup God put you in that position to show himself strong. When you defy the odds everyone will know His favor is on your life but when you’re outnumbered, outsized, out-educated, out-trained … don’t be surprised if people discount you … tell you you’re not talented enough, not tall enough, not strong enough, not experienced enough. That may be true but what they can’t see is what God put in you because they’re just looking on the outside from a natural perspective but you have more.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen “Underestimated” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Joel Osteen Ministries YouTube

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