John Bevere Urges Christians to Prioritize Time with God

John Bevere Urges Christians to Prioritize Time with God: In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the profound significance of connecting with our Creator. Yet, deep within each of us lies an innate desire to be in the presence of God, a desire that can only be satisfied by seeking His face.

It is in this regard that John Bevere, co-founder of Messenger International, a minister, and a renowned author, has called on all Christians to prioritize time with God in order to achieve true productivity and fulfillment in their daily lives.

Bevere contends that all human beings are “built with a desire that can only be satisfied by being in the presence of our Creator.” In a statement seeking to encourage those who are finding it difficult to spend time with God, Bevere suggested that they start by setting aside 10-15 minutes per day.

“If you’re finding it difficult to make the time in your busy schedule to be with God, let me encourage and challenge you today: start setting aside just 10-15 minutes a day this week. You may be surprised at how a small amount of time with the Lord can have a huge impact on your life,” Bevere said in a Tuesday Instagram statement.

He went on to urge concerned individuals to explore the free hearing God course on his Messenger X app for more insight into how spending quality time with God can change their lives.

In an earlier Instagram post, Bevere argues that failure to spend time with God leaves one residing in the world of feelings rather than the enduring realm of truth. He added, however, that, as a consequence, one is left vulnerable to deception.

“As believers, when we don’t spend time in God’s Word, we live more in the realm of our feelings than in the realm of TRUTH. This puts us in a position to be easily misled,” he wrote.


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