Joyce Meyer Devotional 11th December, 2018

Joyce Meyer Devotional 11th December, 2018

Joyce Meyer Devotional 11th December

Theme For Joyce Meyer Devotional 11th December – It’s Your Future

The Roman poet Horace wrote: “Rule your mind, or it will rule you.”

The enemy wants your mind; he wants to control or influence as much of your thinking as possible, but you do not have to let him. The key to overcoming him is learning to discipline your thinking, and disciplining yourself to believe you are disciplined is the beginning.

As my son once said, “Discipline is a discipline!” Most people don’t get excited when the subject of discipline comes up. However, if you learn to understand the power, the liberty, the joy, and the victory discipline brings to your life, you will embrace it eagerly.

Prayer Starter: Father, Your Word says You have given me a spirit of discipline and self-control (see 2 Timothy 1:7 AMPC). Help me today to choose my thoughts carefully and purposely dwell on things that are positive and full of hope. Help me to discipline my thoughts, words and actions so I can enjoy the great future You have for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Credit – Joyce Meyer

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