Joyce Meyer: He Rewards The Diligent Pt.2

Here is  a message from Pastor Joyce Meyer which is titled “He Rewards The Diligent pt.2”.  Joyce Meyer continues to tell us that Christianity is not for cowards. If you are going to be a real Christian, you should know that there are sacrifices. There are going to be things that everyone else does that you will not be able to do, if you want to be the real deal.

She tells us that most things are going to take longer than you thought and waiting is not going to be easy. God rewards those who are diligent and your reward will come.

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as the haste leads to poverty – Proverbs 10:4. Stop being lazy and stop procrastinating.

Procrastination is a thief and will keep you believing that you have a lot of time. The best thing is when God gives you something to do, do it fast. Do not say you will do it when it is easy for you, maybe God wants you to do it while it is hard as a sacrifice.

She went further to tell us that having the intention to obey God does not translate to obedience. When God asks you to do something that is when the time is right.

Everything we go through with God is a process. Although sometimes we feel like we are not making any effort or progress. That is a lie from the devil to keep us from growing or continue making effort.

A diligent person does not quit or give up. You have to believe that all the promises of God are for you and not just for somebody else. But, you will have to be diligent.

There is a part of you that has to be diligent about seeking God. If you really seek him, he will lead you and guide you.

God knows things about you that nobody else does and when the time is right, he will bring up things that needs to be brought up.

Meyer also talked about the need for us to grow spiritually. God wants us to have the best of everything but he does not  want us to just grow in those natural areas beyond where we are spiritually.

The more you grow spiritually, the more God is able to do for in the natural realm, The reason is that the more you grow spiritually, the closer you get to God, the less these things they mean to you. Therefore God is giving you those things because he knows that it will not hold you back from having a relationship with him.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joyce Meyer: He Rewards The Diligent Pt.2” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Joyce Meyer YouTube

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