Joyce Meyer: The Armor of Righteousness – Part 2


Joyce Meyer has given us a new message titled “The Armor of Righteousness, Part 2,” where she teaches that God wants to help us be fulfilled and righteous.

Pastor Joyce teaches us that you don’t even begin to know what freedom is until you’re free to be yourself. It’s not about being free to sin and do all kinds of things that the Bible condemns; obviously, we have moral obligations in the word of God to follow. It’s about your personality, what you like and don’t like, the style of clothes you like to wear, and how you like to wear your hair. You don’t have to be like somebody else. Not liking ourselves is terrible, and that’s pitiful. Jesus bought you because he thought you were cool enough to buy you with his own blood. You’re not your own; you belong to him now. Pray that God will help you to never say one more negative thing about yourself out of your own mouth. It’s very bad to say stupid things about yourself from your mouth, like, “I’m dumb, I can never do anything right, I’m fat, I’m ugly, I ain’t on this, I’m that.”

A story connecting this to spiritual warfare, and this actually really happened to Pastor Joyce. “God had been teaching her about righteousness.” To do something in ignorance is one thing to know better and then do it; that’s a dangerous thing because God gives you a special grace when you lack knowledge or when you’re responsible for what you know. You’re going to have a greater responsibility before God. The devil will test you, and he’ll be right there. We’ve got to be careful about our words. We hear these messages all the time: “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” Those who indulge in it will eat the fruit of it. We can open doors for the devil by saying stupid things about ourselves, about our futures, about our lives, and about our families. You are encouraged to say about yourself what God says about you; don’t say what the devil whispers in your ear. You are not stupid, you are not dumb, and you are not a total failure. You have gifts and talents, and the wisdom of God is in you. God loves you, and God is for you. We need to believe more in the supernatural; we need to believe what we don’t see with our own eyes. We need to get back to realizing that God is the God of Miracles.

Watch and listen to this new message from Joyce Meyer “The Armor of Righteousness – Part 2” as we bring the latest messages, sermons, podcasts and news from Joyce Meyer to you daily.

Credit – Joyce Meyer Ministries YouTube

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