Levi Lusko Celebrates Daughter’s Graduation From High School

Levi Lusko Celebrates Daughter's Graduation From High School

Levi Lusko Celebrates Daughter’s Graduation From High School

A heartwarming scene has unfolded in the family of Levi Lusko, Fresh Life Church’s pastor, as their first daughter, Alivia Sky Lusko, graduated from high school.

Surrounded by loved ones, the ceremony was met with a mix of tears and cheers, as evidenced by Lusko’s social media post. While the family is excited about her journey and accomplishments, they are at the same time sad about the approaching separation and amazed at the young woman she has become.

“Class of 2024,” Pastor Lusko shared on Instagram, accompanied by a photo of Alivia and her parents. “And just like that, we have a high school graduate standing in our yard, surrounded by loved ones praying for her next steps.”

The post conveyed the mixed feelings associated with a child leaving home for college. While remembering the years of preparation building up to this moment, the unexpected reality of an empty nest struck an emotional chord.

“Having our first child preparing to leave our home for college is surreal,” Lusko shared. We have been slowly heading to this juncture for 18 years but it is so disorienting to have it suddenly show up.”

Alivia will be attending Highlands College, a private college and training program for Christian ministers founded in 2011 by Pastor Chris Hodges, the pastor of the Church of the Highlands. Pastor Hodges serves as chancellor of the college, while Mark Pettus is the president.

Despite the bittersweetness, pride and excitement shone through. Alivia’s parents expressed immense admiration for their daughter, praising her for her dedication and faith.

“We are so incredibly proud of you, Alivia,” the post continues, expressing the family’s unwavering support. The couple acknowledges the upcoming challenges, describing Alivia’s journey as a “bittersweet adventure full of growth, fun, learning, and a lot of tearful goodbyes and reunions.”

The social media message concludes on a celebratory note: “Congratulations on graduating high school, loved one! Let’s celebrate!”


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