Mary Bushiri Celebrates Husband’s 41st Birthday With Heartfelt Tribute

Mary Bushiri Celebrates Husband’s 41st Birthday With Heartfelt Tribute

Prophetess Mary Bushiri, the wife of the Evangelical Christian Gathering Church founder Shepherd Bushiri celebrates her husband’s 41st birthday with a heartfelt tribute filled with gratitude and love.

The tribute shared on her Instagram page highlights the couple’s strong faith and the impact Shepherd has had on her life and their community.

“There are times when God does something special, and great in a person’s life,” wrote Mary, expressing her deep appreciation for her husband. She describes him as her “treasure,” “hero,” and “wonderful gift from God,” emphasizing the profound impact he has had on her life.

The message also delves into the couple’s shared faith, with Mary thanking God for a “steadfast love” and her husband’s role in demonstrating God’s love to her.

“I thank God for a love so steadfast, I thank God for a love that stands up for me all times,” she wrote. “I thank God for a love that saves my heart in dire situations. Thank you for showing me God’s love in the land of the living. I am beyond blessed my love. I am extremely grateful to God that I share everyday of my life with you! What an honour from the Lord. What a grace, and what a great gift it is.”

She further praises Shepherd’s contributions to their family and community, acknowledging his selflessness, dedication to helping others, and role as a spiritual leader.

The tribute concludes with birthday wishes for “more blessings, revelations, an uplifting, and answers to all your prayers.” She additionally expresses her unwavering love and commitment, stating, “I love you beyond words. I love you forever and a day. I love you endlessly Darling. Happy birthday my dear husband, happy birthday Major 1.”

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