Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Announces Lois Evans Appreciation Day

 Lois Evans Appreciation Day

Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, a prominent church in Dallas has announced a special initiative. This Initiative is in honour of Late Dr. Lois Evans.

The Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship has designated every 1st Sunday in December as “Dr. Lois Evans Appreciation Day.”  This heartfelt tribute aims to celebrate the life, legacy, and lasting impact of Dr Lois Evans. The late wife of Dr. Tony Evans, who played a pivotal role in the church and the broader community.

Late Lois Evans, alongside her husband, Dr. Tony Evans, co-founded Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship more than four decades ago. Her commitment to faith, family, and community service left an indelible mark.  Also, she made a lasting impact on the congregation and the lives of countless individuals.

The 1st Sunday in December will now be dedicated to honoring Lois Evans. This will be achieved through programs that align with her passion for serving others.

As part of the commemoration for Dr. Lois Evans Appreciation day,  a non-profit organization and two women that exemplify her life’s passion and legacy will be honoured. This year had two honoree who were presented with a cheque for $10,000

“Today we honored the prolific legacy of our late First Lady, Dr. Lois Evans! The indelible mark of her beautiful and passionate life and ministry is forever etched in our pastor, her children, the women’s ministry, our church and the national ministry of Dr. Tony Evans. She left us with timeless lessons of being intentional in our God-given purpose, making the most of every season of life through God’s grace.”

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