Pastor Greg Laurie Claims Bible Predicted Current Events in Middle East

Pastor Greg Laurie Claims Bible Predicted Current Events in Middle East
Pastor Greg Laurie Claims Bible Predicted Current Events in the Middle East

Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie has released a new video in which he claims that the Bible predicted current events in the Middle East thousands of years ago.

In a November 8 video shared on his Instagram page, Laurie says the events in the Middle East lead him to believe that biblical prophecy is being “fulfilled before our very eyes.”

“The Bible is the one book that dares to predict the future. Not once or twice, but hundreds times with 100% accuracy. That is because it is the very word of God to us. All that is happening with Israel and the Middle East right now? It was all spoken of thousands of years ago by the Hebrew Prophets,” Laurie said.

He went on to add that Christians not only have a dual responsibility to pray for peace in Israel but also to support them.

“Christians must stand for Israel… We as Christians need to understand that the Bible tells us that the Jews are God’s chosen people,” he said. “We as Christians need to understand that God gave the so-called land of Palestine to the Jewish people, to Israel, which they have occupied in perpetuity for 3,000 years — not always ruling it, but they’ve been there in that land that God gave them.”

“And we need to understand that we should be praying for them because God gave us the Bible through the Jews. God gave us our Messiah, as a Jewish man.”

Laurie’s comments come at a time when the Middle East is facing a number of challenges. Russia is engaged in a war in Ukraine, Iran is developing nuclear weapons, and Israel is facing ongoing threats from Hamas and other terrorist groups.

The video has been met with mixed reactions. Some appreciated his insights into biblical prophecy and his encouragement to pray for peace in Israel.

Those who condemned his video took issue with his claim that the Bible predicted current events in Israel and the Middle East with 100% accuracy. Others claim that he has inadequate knowledge of the plight of the Palestinian people.

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