Pastor Greg Laurie Honors 13 American Soldiers Who Fell In Afghanistan

Pastor Greg Laurie Honors 13 American Soldiers Who Fell In Afghanistan

Pastor Greg Laurie Honors 13 American Soldiers Who Fell In Afghanistan

Pastor Greg Laurie recently honored the memory of the 13 brave service members who sacrificed their lives in Afghanistan. Among them was Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, a young Marine who had come to faith at one of Pastor Laurie’s Harvest Crusades, alongside his father. Reflecting on Kareem’s journey, Pastor Laurie shared the deep connection that their church had with this American hero. Not only did Kareem embrace his faith through the ministry, but his life and legacy were also celebrated during his memorial service at Harvest Christian Fellowship.

The 13 American service members were killed in a bomb attack in Kabul this August 2021. The attack was one of the deadliest days for American forces in the past decade of the 20-year war in Afghanistan.

As we remember these 13 heroes, Pastor Laurie’s tribute serves as a powerful reminder of the cost of freedom and the personal sacrifices made by those who serve in the armed forces. It also highlights the importance of faith in times of profound loss.

In Pastor Laurie’s words, “May God comfort his family today as well as the families of the other courageous 12.” This message resonates deeply, reminding us to honor and remember the sacrifices of those who have given everything for their country, while also finding solace in the comforting embrace of faith.

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