Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon – Victory Begins In The Dark

Pastor Joel Osteen has given us a new Sermon and Message titled “Victory Begins In The Dark” where the husband of Victoria Osteen teaches that each new day begins hours before dawn.

He went on to say that “in the same way, though you may not see anything changing, you can trust that victory is coming. When God gave you the promise, your new day began.”

The book of Genesis starts off telling how God created everything. It says, “the evening and the morning were the first day.” You would think it would be the reverse, the morning and the evening were the first day, but God starts the day in the dark. At 12AM, nothing looks any different. If you don’t have a watch, you wouldn’t know you’ve entered a new day. It’s still dark outside. It looks the same as it did at 9 o’clock, at 10 o’clock, at 11 o’clock. There’s no sign that something has changed but when the clock strikes midnight, in that one second, when nothing is looking any different, it goes from PM to AM.

It’s still dark but it’s a new day. He said God chose to start the day in the dark. It’s symbolic of how He does things in our lives. He gives us a promise. He says we’ve come into a new day, He’s restoring health back into us, we’re going to lend and not borrow, our child is going to get back on course.

Watch and listen to this Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon “Victory Begins In The Dark” as we bring the latest sermons, news and messages from Pastor Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church to you daily.

Credit – Joel Osteen YouTube 2020 /

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