Perry Noble reacts to criticism over controversial statement

Perry Noble reacts to criticism on Facebook over his controversial statement about expanding Second Chance Church. 

Perry Noble who was over heavy attack as a result of his Tuesday statement of expanding Second Chance church has taken to Facebook to respond to critics. He disclosed that his post made the local news yesterday and several persons sent him text messages concerning that.

Yesterday I got this text from a friend and just said “yes” (and had no idea what it was about.) Then another Then another… (I literally started thinking, “Wait, Am I ok???) It took me a minute – but they were asking because my post yesterday (about @thesecondchancechurch launching a Greenville campus) made the local news.” he wrote.

Following the post, Noble revealed the news stories were satisfactory but Facebook comments however were cruel.  “The news stories were actually good – fact-based and to the point. However, the Facebook comments on the news sites were brutal. It seemed like more than a few people were quite upset” He wrote

In response to the critics, Noble stated that opposition is inevitable where there is growth. He added that criticism is evidence that his church is on a mission. ”

“But when we (or an individual) begin to grow – we can always expect opposition. That doesn’t mean we are off track but rather confirms we are on a mission” He wrote.
Noble however recalled how nobody was perturbed when he the church wasn’t progressing but becomes otherwise when it started expanding.


“No one was upset (really when our church was just me and an iPhone. Or me preaching to 12 people for a year in a rented office space. But when the church begins to grow, starts seeing change and making a difference – well, that gets people’s underwear in a wad.” He wrote.

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