Police Officer Involved In Death Of Deacon Is Fired
Police Officer Involved In Death Of Deacon Is Fired: According to reports, Kiran Kimbrough, the police officer who fatally shocked Johnny Hollman, 62, a deacon at The Lively Stones of God Ministries Church in Atlanta, Georgia, with a Taser in August, has been fired as the minister’s family and supporters continue to call for his arrest.
The decision to fire Kimbrough comes just days after an autopsy report concluded that the deacon’s death was a homicide.
Arnitra Hollman, Hollman’s daughter, who also watched the video, claims she wants the world to know what happened to her father.
“I want it to be known. I want the world to see it,” she said.
In a statement released on Tuesday, Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum stated that Kimbrough was fired for breaking standard operating procedure when he neglected to have a supervisor present before initiating the physical arrest after the deacon refused to sign a citation after causing an accident.
“Every single person and life in the city of Atlanta matters to me,” Schierbaum said. “Part of my job is to assess, evaluate, and adjust how this police department is carrying out its sworn mission to serve and protect the citizens of this city. I understand the difficult and dangerous job that our officers do each and every day throughout the city. I do not arrive at these decisions lightly. Only after a diligent review of all of the facts, while ensuring the due process of our officers, do I arrive at my decision.”