Pope Francis to visit Hungary on Friday

Pope Francis to visit Hungary on Friday, expresses gratitude over preparation for his arrival as he solicits prayers prior to his journey.

The Catholic head has taken to Twitter to disclose a plan to embark on his 41st Apostolic journey abroad. He will be visiting Budapest, the capital city of Hungary on Friday, revealed a Sunday Twitter statement.

“Next Friday I will go to Budapest, Hungary,” he stated. “It will be a journey to the center of Europe, over which the icy winds of war continue to blow, while the displacement of so many people puts urgent humanitarian questions on the agenda,” he added.

In another Sunday Twitter statement addressed to the Hungarian brethren, the Holy Father expressed his gratitude to the Hungarians who are actively preparing for his arrival. He went on to request prayers from them while I make his way to the country.

“Dear Hungarian brothers and sisters, I know you are making great efforts to prepare for my arrival: I thank you from my heart. And I ask you all to accompany me with your prayers,” He wrote.

Pope’s visit to Hungary however was first made public in a February 27 statement by Matteo Bruni, Director of Holy See Press “Accepting the invitation of civil and ecclesial Authorities, His Holiness Pope Francis will make an Apostolic Journey to Hungary from 28 to 30 April 2023, visiting the city of Budapest,” the statement read.

The Pontiff will be visiting the refugees, the poor as well as the children of the Blessed  László Batthyány-Strattmann Institute during his three-day visit, reports Vatican News. He also will “address authorities, civil society, and diplomatic corps; young people; bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated persons, seminarians, and pastoral workers; and representatives of the academic and cultural world,” stated Vatican News.

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