Prayer to God to Plant Your Feet On Higher Ground

Prayer to God to Plant Your Feet On Higher Ground

Prayer to God to Plant Your Feet On Higher Ground

Almighty Father,

Here I am today in humility, asking for your help and fortitude. Lord, I want you to raise me and bring me to a place of spiritual elevation .Set my feet on higher ground, dear God. I accept that my power and knowledge are limited, Father. I am conscious of my shortcomings and the ways in which I have failed. But I have faith in your kindness, love, and transforming ability. I know that you can reshape and mold me, polish my character, and set my feet firmly on the ground.

God, I beg you to remove the obstacles in my heart and intellect because they have stunted my development and misled me. Get rid of any doubts, anxieties, or bad influences that have kept me from moving forward. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can live by your will and purpose for my life. Father, I ask for wisdom and mental clarity. Give me the fortitude so I can seize the chances you have placed in front of me by opening my eyes to them. Help me to lay down my ambitions and plans at your feet, for I know that your ways are higher and your purposes greater than mine.
I pray for your direction and discernment so that I can make decisions that will please you and bring me closer to the higher ground you have prepared for me. Give me the perseverance to wait on your timing even when it appears challenging or unsure.

I am aware that there may be mountains and valleys to cross on the way to higher ground. However, I am confident that you will support, comfort, and encourage me along the road. May I be at ease among difficulties, knowing that you are guiding and guarding me.
Lord, please give me the grace to walk in humility, kindness, and grace toward others. As I work to reflect your love to everyone around me, may my deeds and words serve as evidence of your transforming influence in my life.
Father, I appreciate the opportunity to come before your throne in prayer. I put my faith in your loyalty and trust that you would raise me in accordance with your will. May you always be remembered with honor and glory. I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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