Robert Fergusson Sermons – Why Do We Doubt?

Robert Fergusson Sermons Why Do We Doubt?

A powerful message from the Hillsong church by Pastor Robert Fergusson is titled “Why Do We Doubt?”. The text for the message is taken from the book of Genesis 3:9 where God posed a question to man; Where are you?

Pastor Robert, started the sermon by pointing out that God loves questions. in the beginning he asked man four vital questions in the garden and Jesus has been said to have asked 222 questions in the new testament. One of the questions is one he asked Peter; Why do you doubt?

He urged us that we need to sit down and ask ourselves questions; why do we believe and why do we doubt? In line with the assertions of Socrates, an un-examined life is not worth living. We should develop the habit of asking questions in our life.

Peter walked on water and that is doing the impossible. He took five steps and that is the steps to doing the miraculous. How did Peter do that? He acknowledged that Jesus exists and the second thing he did is that he admitted his inability.

If you want to do the miraculous,here is five steps to take;

1. Acknowledge Christ;s Lordship

2. Admitted that he cannot do it on his own

3. He believed God’s word.

4.  Make an attempt at the impossible

5. Accomplish the impossible.

This is an insightful sermon and something you will love to watch.

Watch and learn from this “Hillsong Church Sermon With Pastor Robert Fergusson Sermons titled “Why Do We Doubt?” as we bring the latest sermons from Pastors around the world to you daily.

Credit: Robert Fergusson YouTube/

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