Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Mission Commissions New Doctors

Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Mission Commissions New Doctors

Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Mission Commissions New Doctors

Pastor Franklin Graham recently shared a touching update about the commissioning of a new group of doctors who are embarking on a remarkable journey with Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Mission. Last week, these dedicated professionals were honored as they completed their residencies and prepared to serve in various locations around the globe.

In his heartfelt message, Pastor Graham emphasized the significance of their mission, saying, “Last week we had the privilege of commissioning a new group of doctors as they begin their post-residencies serving around the world through @SamaritansPurse World Medical Mission.” This commissioning marks the beginning of their vital work in communities far from home, where they will apply their skills and compassion to make a meaningful difference.

Pastor Graham invited everyone to join in prayer for these doctors and their families. “Join us in praying for them and their families as they move and adjust to new places far from home,” he requested. The transition to new environments can be challenging, and your prayers can provide the support and encouragement they need as they settle into their new roles and communities.

He concluded with a blessing for their service: “May God bless them as they use the gifts He has given them to serve others in Jesus’ Name.” This reminder underscores the spiritual and humanitarian aspects of their mission, highlighting their commitment to serving others while upholding their faith.

As these doctors embark on their global mission, let us unite in prayer for their safety, adaptability, and effectiveness as they work to improve lives and spread hope through their medical expertise.


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