See How Pastor John Gray Celebrated His Daughter’s 8th Birthday

Pastor John Gray of Relentless Church has celebrated his Daughter ‘Theory Aspyn Sky Gray’ on her 8th Birthday. The father of two lovely children and the husband of Aventer Gray posted a cute picture of himself with her daughter as a baby on Instagram and wrote:

See How Pastor John Gray Celebrated His Daughter's 8th Birthday

“A lot of tears this morning. My baby turns 8 today. I’m happy and a little sad. She growing so fast. I love her so much. I want to protect her from so much. I want to keep little and in my arms but that’s not how this works. A daughter makes a man a different kind of vulnerable.

Theory Aspyn Sky Gray has forever changed my life. One day when I leave here, my greatest joy will have been seeing these two humans I went half on with @iamaventergray become all that God intended them to be. Will you please join me in wishing my brilliant, loving, anointed, sweet, hilarious, genius smart, gold medal winning Ice skater, top level dancer, mommy’s twin, and daddy’s heart and huge happy birthday today! Daddy loves you tutu. @iamaventergray thank you for giving me the greatest gift a man could have-the chance raise a world changer. I see @therealtank son looking at my baby in one of these pics. Tank tell your son to scoot back 😂! #MyDaughterIsEightToday”

John Gray’s wife and their daughter ‘Theory Aspyn Sky Gray’
Pastor John Gray and his family

Credit – Pastor John Gray Instagram /

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