Sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen: Tell Yourself A New Story

This is a new sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen titled “Tell Yourself A New Story” where he teaches that God is the author of your story. He said that if you’ll get in agreement with Him, He will take you further than you could go on your own.

Joel Osteen said we all have a story of how we see ourselves, how we see our future. It comes from how we were raised, what people have said, our successes and failures. For some people their story is negative; “I’ve been hurt too much; I can’t love again. My family is at a disadvantage, I’ll never be successful, I have big dreams, but I don’t have the talent.

He said you’re being limited by what you’re telling yourself, what you believe about yourself, how you see your circumstances, the story that you’ve written will override what anyone else says.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen “Tell Yourself A New Story” as we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Joel Osteen Ministries YouTube

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