Set your mind free.
Set Your Mind Free: Many times in our lives, we allow certain things to occupy our minds and instill fear in us. Setting our minds free in Christ involves surrendering worries, fears, and burdens to his higher power.
Trusting God’s grace and his guidance for our lives can be hard for many of us, but it is actually the best. It’s about finding peace in the knowledge that you are loved unconditionally and forgiven for your shortcomings.
Jesus Christ died on the cross so that we are set free from the bonds of darkness. Yet many Christians still allow the enemy to occupy their minds with fear.
Always remember that God works with faith while the enemy works with fear. When fear knocks in our hearts, let our faith in God answer the door.
As Christians, we must believe that Christ has set us free from the kingdom of darkness. We must align our thoughts with the teachings of Jesus Christ about love, forgiveness, and showing kindness.
Most people’s minds are filled with hatred and are not forgiving of people around them. There is going to be a moment when people are going to mistreat us in so many ways, but still, forgiveness is expected of us.
Forgiving them does not mean that you must go back and allow them to treat you badly again. Forgive them and move on to a better level.
There are some people in our lives who don’t deserve a second chance, not out of hatred but for peace of mind. For example, if you have a friend who complains all the time and gets into debt,.
We must be careful about the people we spend time with, so if your friend is a bad influence, distance yourself. Pray for him or her so that God can visit them.
Be ready for the transformation.Â
The Holy Spirit is working in us every day of our lives, and setting our minds free is a spiritual journey. We must accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior.
As children of God, we must be willing to let go of our past selves because Christ has renewed us. It won’t be easy, but with determination, we can achieve anything.
Holding onto hate and unforgiveness can cause damage to the body and mind. Jesus Christ has instructed us in the Bible to let go of unforgiveness and pursue peace with all men.
Remember that you don’t have to do it all by your own strength but through the Holy Spirit. There will be moments in our journey as new creatures that we might see our old habits come back.
When we find ourselves behaving in an old way, let us turn back quickly and run to God. The enemy will do his best to make sure that we are afraid of going back to God after we have sinned.
Don’t allow guilt and shame to hold you back; those are the tools of the devil. Jesus Christ has paid for everything, so we are now covered by the grace of God.
The enemy doesn’t have any power or right to hold you back from running to Jesus Christ for safety. Our loving father is always waiting on us, and he’s always guiding us to become better children.