Stephanie Ike – Activating the Anointing – October 2020

Pastor Stephanie Ike has delivered this new sermon and message titled “Activating the Anointing” on Sunday, October 18 2020 and it is not a sermon you will want to miss. The pastor of “The Potters House At One LA” who is known for her educative sermons has impacted many lives positively through her teachings.

Celebrating her one year anniversary of becoming a pastor, Stephanie took to Instagram on September 19 2020 to write:

“Today marks the one year anniversary of being officially ordained a Pastor @tphonela. It’s incredible that this day is in alignment with the Biblical New Year, “Rosh Hashanah,” which began the evening of 9/18. It marks the beginning of “the 10 Days of Awe,” a 10-day period of introspection and repentance. A time of rededication to the Lord.

There is nothing I desire more than living the life God ordained for me, and to reflect His image in the earth. During this 10-day period, alongside fasting & praying with my church community, I’ll be taking a social media break.

This period for me symbolizes a time of rededicating my “YES” to God. That no matter the cost, I’ll be the one who says, “Here I am Lord, send me!” I write these words with tears in my eyes, because it’s not always easy, but it’s always WORTH IT! I don’t have the time or luxury to live a counterfeit life and neither do you. I encourage you to lean into the sensitivity of this season, consider your ways and rededicate your “YES” to the Lord.

If you’re just learning about “Rosh Hashanah,” listen to my Pastor @ToureRoberts message on “10 Days of Alignment.” It’s available on #tphonela YouTube Channel.”

Watch and learn from this sermon and message by Stephanie Ike – Activating the Anointing – this October 2020 as we bring the latest sermons from pastors to you daily.

Credit – The Potters House At One LA and Denver YouTube 2020 /

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