Terri Savelle Foy: Why Silence Will Lead You to Success

We bring you today’s message from Pastor Terri Savelle Foy, which is titled “Why Silence Will Lead You to Success.” It Pays to Be Quiet.

Pastor Terri teaches us in this message why it’s really important for us to keep quiet when we have a dream to achieve. God wants to give you the direction you desperately desire; he wants to reveal his next steps for your life and even give you, as I call them, God-inspired ideas that produce great wealth, but you have to get quiet to hear them. Pastor Terri shared us story to inspire us “so I was reading a from Carmen Gallo about the Saint Anthony Hotel in San Antonio Texas now it has so many historical things happen there everything from president Lyndon B Johnson spent his honeymoon there to the first movie to ever win an Academy Award for best picture it was a movie called Wings was filmed on that property but the most famous story probably didn’t involve presidents or Hollywood actors it happened in the hotel’s restaurant the Saint Anthony Club where two guys sat at a table in silence and just thought Carmen Gallo described what happened when one day back in 1966 two men me for drinks at the hotel’s bar one was a Texas businessman the other he said was a chain smoking whiskey swigging lawyer it was herb Kelleher and Rollin King now they had been discussing business ideas and kicking around a business plan but on this day they sat at the table got quiet and just thought about their future ideas you know that were rolling around in their head what do they want to do what do they want to create or start well one of them decided to just pick up a cocktail napkin flipped it over and he just drew a triangle he wrote Dallas at the top and then on the bottom left he wrote San Antonio on the bottom right he wrote Houston well all of a sudden they just decided that their Vision was simple it was to create a small local Airline connecting three Texas cities that business plan that they sat there quietly thinking about sketched on the back of a hotel napkin would transform the lives of millions of Americans one year later March 15 1967 they established Southwest Airlines.

John Maxwell says thinking precedes achievement; he says nobody just stumbles upon success and says, How did I get here? The more you think, the greater your potential. Now, when was the last time you sat quietly somewhere and just thought about what you really want, what you want to change, what’s bothering you, who do you need to forgive, what do you need to stop, what do you need to pursue, and what is God speaking to your heart?


Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Terri Savelle Foy: Why Silence Will Lead You to Success” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Terri Savelle Foy

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