Toni Collier Shares Candid Reflection on Single Motherhood and Faith

Toni Collier Shares Candid Reflection on Single Motherhood and Faith

Toni Collier Shares Candid Reflection on Single Motherhood and Faith

Former Hillsong Pastor, Toni Collier recently shared a candid and heartfelt post on Instagram, revealing an emotional moment triggered by a seemingly mundane task. She wrote, “It shocked me that pulling up our trash bins would be triggering for me this morning. I mean, I’d always taken the trash out, even when I was married. But there’s something about HAVING to do it that really got me.”

Toni explained that the act of taking out the trash served as a stark reminder of her responsibilities as a single mother. She expressed the weight of being solely responsible for her three children, a house, two cars, finances, and much more. “I’m the covering of our family and I wasn’t designed or created to be and so this sucks…AND (not but) God is still a gap-filling God, a protector, and the head of my life. He’s with me and you in the hard, and sucky, and smelly parts of our lives. I think that’s good news,” she continued.

Toni’s post resonated with many, as she vulnerably shared the challenges of single parenthood while also emphasizing her faith. She highlighted that despite the difficulties, she finds solace and strength in her belief that God supports and protects her through all the tough moments. Her message served as a poignant reminder of resilience and faith in the face of adversity.

Pastor Tony and former husband Sam were headed the Hillsong Atlanta before leaving the church in 2021 amidst the many scandals that rocked Hillsong. Toni and husband ended their marriage in 2023 amidst allegations of cheating and abuse.

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